Julia Gillard must be one of the most unfair Australians to give fellow Australians a fair go. It is disgraceful that Julia Gillard sides with the online shoppers.
If we have to pay GST for a processed / manufactured item or a service, for more than zero dollars, why shouldn't the government tax an imported item for less than a thousand dollars purchased online from overseas? The recent outcry by some well known big retailers on this subject created big divides in the community. It seems that most Australians are unfair and selfish, and bark up the wrong tree, that is, they interpret naively that the tax goes to the large retailers instead of the government.
Shame on those who argue so strongly opposing the tax and advocating purchasing from overseas; not only do they help to create employment overseas and improve their economy, but also unknowingly putting the nails to the Australian small businesses' coffins. China is truly the factory of the world, but now the rest of the world becomes the retail outlets.
Many Australians are getting more and more hypocritical. There were campaigns to buy Australian products – well, since we don't have much to offer the "Buy Australian" is a bit of a joke. However, even with this flop, how about at least give the Australian small businesses a chance to survive, and allow them continue employing those ungrateful people. May be it's time to change the slogan "Buy Australian" to "Buy from Australian".