Thursday, 15 December 2011

My Stand on Same-sex Marriage / Gay Marriage

Posted to Waverley Leader (14/12/2011) on 15/12/2011 at 2:41 AM
Commenting on "HAVE YOUR SAY: Gay marriage bill backed in Monash"

The only reason I can think of why the Labor Party and a lot of non-Labor members support gay marriage must be that there are too many unhappy marriages in Australia.

I strongly oppose same-sex marriage because it contradicts what I think modern human beings believe in - going back to nature and growing things organically. We don't need genetically modified or laboratory grown life, including the highest form - the human embryo.

Why is the human race moving forward (a catchphrase used often by Julia Gillard) in the wrong direction?

Friday, 21 October 2011

Tax boss wants $300,000 pay rise

Posted to The Age (20/10/2011) on 20/10/2011 at 12:56 PM
Commenting on “Tax boss wants $300,000 pay rise”

Tolerance has a limit! Every day we read or listen to the news that many bureaucrats, CEO's and sports players are earning mega bucks and yet ordinary Australians are tightening their belts and even losing their jobs.

Some top earners are hopeless, useless and heartless to say the least, making losses or cutting staff year after year. Are Australians too naive and too apathetic to allow this to go on unchecked?

We may not have any experience about revolution, except the Eureka Stockade; but many migrants had lived through and even participated in revolutions before they came to Australia. If wealth gaps get bigger and inequality continues to propagate, street marches and noisy demonstrations will become daily activities.

I hope I never see the day when Australia goes down that path. However, the world is getting too “small” and information can be disseminated at lightning speed. What we have been witnessing in many countries recently are precursor of what can happen in Australia if nothing is done to correct imbalance sooner.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Carbon tax $25 million promotion is a waste of taxpayer's money

Posted to Herald Sun (17/7/2011) on 17/7/2011 at 1:57 PM (Not published by Newspaper)
Commenting on "Former prime minister John Howard warns of lonely emissions trading path for Australia"

Posted to Adelaide Now (17/7/2011) on 17/7/2011 at 3:00 PM (Not published by Newspaper)
Commenting on "Prime Minister Julia Gillard defends carbon tax ad spend on visit to Adelaide today"

If Julia Gillard can't convince the majority of Australians the idea of carbon tax for the last few weeks on television, radio, print media, YouTube, etc., probably worth more than $25 million of virtual promotion without costing the public a cent, how can $25 million of real money change the public opinion? This is another example of Labor / Gillard's Government of mismanaging taxpayers' money. $25 million can be used to feed many hungry stomaches and fund another public housing project! The world economy is getting from bad to worse, and Australia good time cannot last indefinitely. It does not need Nostradamus to tell us that weakness in property market, car sales, retail business, and low consumer confidence are not sure signs of economic collapse. The way Labor / Gillard's Government pouring money down the drain is despicable; Gillard and her team MUST go; if the Liberal is not going to do anything more positive to bring about the political scenario change, Australians MUST rise to get rid of this incompetent government before the death of this lucky country!

Monday, 6 June 2011

Voters want election on carbon tax

Posted to Adelaide Now (6/6/2011) on 6/6/2011 at 10:23 AM
Commenting on "Voters want election on carbon tax as poll finds a majority expect to be worse off"

With or without carbon tax, just give us an election to get rid of the incompetent government. John Hewson, Bob Hawke and other "yesterday heroes" should back off the carbon tax debate.

Many economic rationalists and politicians are no more than armchair generals, and are out of touch with the hands-to-mouth real world.

Even if carbon tax does not affect significantly employment in the mining sector, the flow on effect IS damaging to other industries. An increase in cost in the mining sector will pass on to downstream and related industries, and the chain reaction is similar to an atomic explosion. Worse still, it turns into a feedback loop, increasing wages and other production costs in the industry which started the reaction.

The recent floods in various parts of Australia cost me more than 15% jump in my last month's house insurance premium renewal, making me an indirect victim of the floods. Similar situation will happen to innocent victims if the damaging carbon tax is introduced.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Wake up Australia, Grow up Australia

Posted to Liberal Party on 28/5/2011 at 7:02 PM
Commenting on "Sustainable Population Growth"

Australia at present is like a cup cake, and obviously can't feed many people. However, Australia has plenty of ingredients to bake a cake bigger than any recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. With a bigger cake, more people can share our generosity.

On 12 October 1492, Columbus discovered the New World (USA), and in 1606 Willem Janszoon made the first recorded European landing on the Australian continent. The difference is 114 years.

The population of USA and Australia is about 311.6 million and 22.7 million respectively, that is to say USA has a population about 13.7 times of Australia. To reach 311.6 million, Australia population will have to grow by 1% compounding each year for 263.25 years or by 2% compounding each year for 132.27 years.

We are far too inward looking, selfish and unimaginative; we are just as irresponsive and non-adaptive as the dinosaurs which became extinct when climatic conditions became unfavourable.

Wake up Australia, grow up Australia!

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Julia Gillard has numeracy problem - The Malaysia solution on refugee exchange does not add up

Posted to Herald Sun (7/5/2011) on 7/5/2011 at 6:08 PM
Commenting on “The Malaysia solution”

Posted to Adelaide now (9/5/2011) on 9/5/2011 at 2:51 AM
Commenting on “Refugee trade off strategy under fire”

Julia Gillard must be the most sadistic woman in Australia, if not in the world. She tortures us mentally almost everyday.

This latest move confirms that Juilia Gillard has numeracy problem and NOT fit to be the PM. She is an embarrassment!

Friday, 29 April 2011

Coalition warns of 'record' budget deficit amid revenue slump

Posted to The Australian (29/4/2011) on 29/4/2011 at 6:48 PM
Commenting on “Coalition warns of 'record' budget deficit amid revenue slump”

Anyone still supports these three stooges, “Gillard, Swan and Rudd”, is a stooge too. $50 billion or $54.8 billion are not just numbers; these translate into pain and suffering for most Australians now and a generation or more to come. Government does not have money; the money comes from your pocket, my pocket, and pockets of many fellow Australians.

Government run by stooges who are inept to manage our hard-earned money should be sacked as soon as possible. It was not because these stooges were handed a debt burdened economy; they had more than $20 billion in the kitty when baby face Rudd of the Labor Party snatched the prime ministership from Howard. Rudd and his fellow stooges spent the money recklessly and behaved as though there was no tomorrow.

Imagine if you were filling an Olympic-size pool with bottled water of 1 litre each, you will need 2.5 million bottles. If you pay $1 for a bottle of water, the amount of money Australia owes the world will buy you 189.9 billion bottles, enough to fill 76,000 Olympic-size pools. Honestly, the way these three stooges spend our money like water must have beaten any Guinness World Record.


Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Global warming, climate change and carbon tax discussion

Many academics and specialists can be very one track mind, and it is important to look at global warming / climate change holistically.

I don't deny climate change and global warming. Climate change happens every day - just look at the daily temperature fluctuation. Human beings can tolerate extreme climate change. Air travel enables transporting travellers from the Pole experiencing below zero temperature to desert with sizzling high temperature in less than a day. With change of clothing, the travellers survive!

As for global warming, it is real from day one! Each year 4 quintillion Joules (4 x 10 to the power of 18 Joules) of solar energy reaches the Earth, but only 300 trillion Joules (3 x 10 to the power 14 Joules) are consumed by the world's population. There is plenty of energy left to warm the Earth. In fact, with 75% of the Earth's surface being covered by water, most of the heat is absorbed by the oceans. No wonder the ocean temperature keeps increasing, and indeed, the rise in temperature is caused by global warming!

Do we really expect the planet to get cooled? If so, what cools it and how is it done? Global warming is here to stay, unless human race starts to work on a reversal process in cooling the Earth, Kyoto Protocol and ETS are just band aid approaches.

Most scientists only concern about carbon dioxide as a green house gas keeping the Earth temperature warm. If carbon dioxide is increasing in the atmosphere, what gases are being replaced or displaced? Does increase in carbon dioxide affect the atmospheric pressure? How will increase / decrease in atmospheric pressure affect the weather, living things, including human beings on Earth?

One carbon atom needs two oxygen atoms to form carbon dioxide. Assuming the amount of gases in the atmosphere remain unchanged, oxygen on Earth will diminish. What is the repercussion with reduced amount of oxygen in the atmosphere, and in the meantime, the population is on the increase?

Hardly any ordinary citizen can remember the ozone hole, and no one is talking about it now. Ozone O3 is found mainly in the upper atmosphere. It absorbs ultraviolet UV radiation better than oxygen O2. UV radiation is known to cause skin cancer. Ozone depletion, supposedly caused by chlorofluorocarbon CFC, allows more UV radiation to reach the Earth's surface, thus putting human health at risk.

Interestingly though, chlorine radical present in CFC catalyses the conversion of ozone into oxygen, and thus increases the amount of oxygen that has been depleted by the process of oxidation of carbon.

There was no tax on CFC production, but there was a blanket ban on production and usage of CFC. I have not been able to obtain any data on whether there is any reduction of skin cancer as a result of banning the production and usage of CFC.

Will carbon tax help to cool the Earth? No way, it only makes the temperature of a lot of Australians including myself goes up and get really heated up which leads to further global warming, ha-ha!

However, the carbon tax will force the large carbon emitters to increase their production cost which in turn will pass on to the users of power, and the final sufferers are the Australian public at large. The financial compensation by the government only creates non-productive employments for paper shufflers and public servants, and sends the wrong message that it is alright not to reduce energy consumption.

Look up beyond the upper atmospheres and see how air exchanges can be improved. It’s time, Al Gore returns his Nobel Prize, and climate gurus and professors read more Chemistry and Physics books rather than just on climate reference material!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Millions go missing from Australia's overseas aid program

Posted to Adelaide Now (24/3/2011) on 24/3/2011 at 9:12 AM
Commenting on “Millions go missing from Australia's overseas aid program”

AusAID Director-General Peter Baxter, will you accept errors made to your own bank account, and brush it off to say that it was just a percentage or so compared with last period? If your answer is no, then don't ever again be so contemptuous to allow the hard earned money of good Australian public to go astray!

Friday, 18 March 2011

Singles, lesbians in IVF stampede

Posted to Herald Sun (18/3/2011) on 18/3/2011 at 2:19 AM
Commenting on “Singles, lesbians in IVF stampede”

These are very cruel people who deprive their IVF children the status to be normal members of human race. I can't imagine how these children will respond in a biology class when fertilisation and propagation are explained, or when they do genealogical searches.

I can’t wait for the time to witness these children, when they grow up, taking legal actions against these selfish people for abusing medical science for their own satisfaction. This will be the day when “smiles” are wiped off from those inhumane faces.

Unfortunately, this is another case of stupid government’s mismanagement of taxpayers’ money leading to opening a floodgate of non-essential service rebates, which could be better spent on our very “sick” healthcare system.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

G-G calls for more female quota

Posted to The Age (8/3/2011) on 8/3/2011 3:34 PM
Commenting on “G-G calls for female quota”

So, GG and Joe Hockey want more females on boards. If it is a matter of affirmative action, then after gender will be race, colour, religion or national origin.

It is concerning that democracy, free market, freedom of choice are dead in our society. Too much pressure has been placed on businesses, families and society at large to do the "right" thing, by the government or some authorities under the sun, and yet the people of Australia have no say in many of the ridiculous decisions made by them, such as money spent on “refugee” queue jumpers, welfare services provided to these and overseas countries instead of our own, building hospitals without providing funding for fittings, insulating the roofs but not the windows, adding new classrooms cum kitchens instead of quality teachers, etc.

What is more worrying is that Australia has become a very socialistic country, and soon may even become communistic. Income tax, land tax, council rate, water rate have been used to provide infrastructure and services for everyone including those who can't afford to contribute. Then they introduced Medicare levy - a universal healthcare tax, then petrol levy, levy to pay for the debacle of Ansett Airline, fire levy, flood levy, carbon tax / price - whatever you want to call it.

Why can't all these goons leave us alone? Do GG or Joe Hockey also want male quotas on staying at home doing housework?

Thursday, 3 March 2011

NO means NO, Ms Prime Minister

Labor Government, led by Julia Gillard MUST BE sacked, the soon the better, for its incompetence in governing Australia. The many Labor's political blunders costing Australia billions of dollars could be used to provide more equitable funding to hospital, education and social services.

Julia Gillard came to power by lying about NO carbon tax, and now she plagiarises Rudd's carbon policy and claims it her own. She should resign like the German minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg who did so after admitting that he plagiarised his PhD dissertation.

How many people realise that having Smart meters is not a very smart move for employment? Usages recorded by Smart meters can be read remotely, which means meter readers will be made redundant.

Can we trust her to spend the carbon tax money for the right reason, or just for her indulgence in funding projects to buy votes? If she could so mercilessly back-stab Kelvin Rudd, who else can't she back-stab to cement herself to the throne of Prime Ministership?

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Monash Council's move opens the Pandora Box

Posted to Letters to the the Editor, Monash Weekly 15/2/2011

I have written in various papers including this about my views on segregation, whether it is on businesses in Kingsway or the use of swimming pool.

Multiculturalism is not a one-way traffic. Australians are asked to be patient, tolerant, and acceptant with other’s cultures, and expected to learn about them, and yet many immigrants do not reciprocate. Unless there is a common unifying force to bind them together, the Australian social fabric will be torn.

Just on language alone - as myriads of immigrants from different races and ethnic backgrounds reach our shore grow by the day, and more and more indigenous Australians joining the mainstream society at large, Australia will soon become a Tower of Babel. Not only does this create misunderstanding and suspicion among people, but also bring forth many workplace and road safety problems.

There are cases whereby expensive construction projects are delayed because initial design plans did not include facilities for certain religious groups and needed to be rectified. Many public hospitals have to provide special meals, not because of health reason, but of religious origin. Cultural and religious diversity will only increase, and segregation, special treatment and privileges have to stop now before they multiply like cancer cells.

Should Australia give special privileges to the indigenous Australians since their fore-parents were here before Captain Cook founded Australia? Neither an indigenous Australian nor an immigrant should be given special privileges. However, Australia has an obligation and responsibility to provide the opportunity to lift the standard of living of all Australians including indigenous Australians and immigrants.

Former Singapore Prime Minister, Lee Kwan Yew once said, “give a beggar a gold coin, he will ask for a second one”. In some countries where special privileges were given to a specific group, they soon rise to become a force that can exert strong political influence to topple any government attempting to remove the privileges. Do we want this to happen in Australia or in your City like Monash?

I firmly believe that multiculturalism should make way for uniform practice in many publicly funded organisations.

To find out more about my other comments, follow the links:, published 7/1/2011, 3/12/2010, 20/10/2010

Friday, 21 January 2011

Buy from Australian

Julia Gillard must be one of the most unfair Australians to give fellow Australians a fair go. It is disgraceful that Julia Gillard sides with the online shoppers.

If we have to pay GST for a processed / manufactured item or a service, for more than zero dollars, why shouldn't the government tax an imported item for less than a thousand dollars purchased online from overseas? The recent outcry by some well known big retailers on this subject created big divides in the community. It seems that most Australians are unfair and selfish, and bark up the wrong tree, that is, they interpret naively that the tax goes to the large retailers instead of the government.

Shame on those who argue so strongly opposing the tax and advocating purchasing from overseas; not only do they help to create employment overseas and improve their economy, but also unknowingly putting the nails to the Australian small businesses' coffins. China is truly the factory of the world, but now the rest of the world becomes the retail outlets.

Many Australians are getting more and more hypocritical. There were campaigns to buy Australian products – well, since we don't have much to offer the "Buy Australian" is a bit of a joke. However, even with this flop, how about at least give the Australian small businesses a chance to survive, and allow them continue employing those ungrateful people. May be it's time to change the slogan "Buy Australian" to "Buy from Australian".

Vote wisely

Many voters are ignorant, and most are apathetic. Idiotic and corrupt politicians will still be voted in unless and until voters wake up one day recognising that “we must be bigger idiots to vote those idiots in” and begin to learn to become wiser than the idiots they put in.